Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Rainbow Connection, or Irony Rules Supreme

Dramatis Personae:
Deborah, 19

Lights up on DEBORAH at the wheel of a navy blue BMW sedan. She is caught in traffic and clearly irritated by it. Suddenly, a smile envelops her face, a type of smile that makes the cheeks feel as if they've been hit by a pleasant, tropical sun. She picks up her phone and dials a number.

Hey, I had to call you!


Oh no, is now a bad time?


It's nothing, it's just the most beautiful, the biggest rainbow I've ever seen.


Yeah! I'm sitting in the most horrendous traffic, but then I look up and I see, you know, magic. And it just makes you think that life is really so, I don't know - it's like you're not in one place at one time, you know? I'm not just in traffic, in a car on pavement - I'm in the sky too, riding the arch of a rainbow. It's just crazy because I always thought life, your consciousness or whatnot, was a piecewise function, you know, constant then jumping from y-value to y-value. But now I see it's not a function at all, it's more miraculous than math - two y-values at the same time, but still working in some system perfectly.

Pause. Nervous laugh.

Oh, yeah, it made more sense in my head.




You know? I'm starting to think Sartre got it wrong: hell is being caught in traffic on I-95.


Don't get it? The play No Exit?


Yeah, anyway, I should let you go.


Take care!

She hangs up. Lights fade.


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